Hello everyone!
i am so terribly sorry for not posting in Such A Long Time. it has been forever since i have even sat the computer. The only reason for this is that business is booming! Was booming i should say. You see, during the summer and into October is when i always get swamped with my sewing business. Things have just started getting slower so i am free to write now. There will never be a gap in my posts that long ever again.
So now that i am back i am back i am completely devoted to my website and i will make as many sewing tutorials and other helpful posts regularly. I am working on a 'Sewing Organization' blog post that has multiple parts and will help you a whole lot.When i first moved to where i am now i had absolutely no idea how to organize all of my sewing supplies, and trust me i have a lot! So hopefully this upcoming post will help you.

Lastly, i just wanted to let all of you know that i am now taking requests and they will always be open as an option for you. If you are having trouble with a certain sewing technique or anything at all let me know in either a comment or through messaging me. Remember that if you a follower of SewDazzling then all of your questions/comments/requests come first! so please do not forget to follow or subscribe to my blog. You may leave requests about anything at all and i will make a blog post about it as soon as i can. I love requests because they are what you, all of my wonderful readers, want to hear about most.
Thanks for much for reading and tune back to SewDazzling very soon for some exciting new entries. Keep Sewing and I'll talk to you soon.
Sincerely, Yasmeen
P.S. if you have any requests please comment on this post below or leave me a comment in the 'Have any Questions, Comments, Concerns, or Requests?' box to the left. Thanks!
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